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Articles -

Exhibition of Rosmel´s oil paintings 31.10.2013
The exhibitions of Rosmel´s oils is starting !

Exhibition: On the wings of dreams 29.05.2013
Author of illustrations of Dupynová Vìrka 1.8.2013, initiated by from Násedlovicích, in the Šalvìjce shop, an exhibition of his work titled on the wings of dreams.

August news 29.08.2011
Many new paintings full of sun, holiday and pleasure.

June news 28.06.2011

summer starts and is also in new paintings

April news 27.04.2011
There is april weather outside, there are many new authors in our gallery

April news 11.04.2011
New authors, updated exhibitions.

Spring news 23.03.2011
many new authors, updated exhibitions

Februar news 11.02.2011
Many new authors, updated exhibitions

Christmas news 24.11.2010

October news 07.10.2010

September news 02.09.2010
New authors, updated exhibitions

July news Talent ART 30.07.2010
Let's travel through our new paintings.

June news Talent ART 22.06.2010
New authors, updated exhibitions

News - search by size of painting 19.05.2010
You can now search by size of painting!

May news Talent ART 04.05.2010
new authors, many new paintings

Spring news Talent ART 31.03.2010
New authors, updated exhibitions

February news 23.02.2010
A lot of inspiration

News Talent ART 27.01.2010
Let's watch exhibitions in your home

PF 2010 06.01.2010
We would like to show you many new authors

November news 17.11.2009

A lot of Chritstmas inspiration

Autumn news Talent ART 29.10.2009
New authors, updated exhibitions

Selected paitings, photos, art. Paitings for sale.


21 000 Kč

4 500 Kč

16 900 Kč
Lesní víla
Lesní víla

24 000 Kč
Bílá holubice
Bílá holubice

29 000 Kč
sharp tongue
sharp tongue




Obrazy, naše tipy:
Zahrada rajského potěšení

Apoštolové - předloha ke knize O Můžíčkovi, který zastavil pražský orloj

Letošní tání nad Lomnicí

No name Duo

Pri jazere IX.