František PodhradskýTechnique: Oil-painting
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Description: | I-ching, hexagram 8, Grouping, Holding Together, Union,
oil painting on canvas. |
Technique: | Oil-painting |
Collection: | I Ching Hexagram |
Year: | 2013
| Size: | 80 x 60 cm |
unsaleable |
Note: | |
Frame: | |
Signed: | |
Doplňující fotografie:
Description: | nereid,oil painting on hardboard |
Technique: | Oil-painting |
Collection: | |
Year: | 2005
| Size: | 120 x 120 cm |
unsaleable |
Note: | |
Frame: | |
Signed: | |
Doplňující fotografie:
Description: | nfinite expanding energy organism ,oil painting on canvas |
Technique: | Oil-painting |
Collection: | |
Year: | 2005
| Size: | 150 x 120 cm |
unsaleable |
Note: | |
Frame: | |
Signed: | |
Doplňující fotografie:
Description: | i-ching,hexagram 3, Difficulty at the Beginning, Sprouting, oil painting on canvas |
Technique: | Oil-painting |
Collection: | I Ching Hexagram |
Year: | 2013
| Size: | 80 x 80 cm |
unsaleable |
Note: | |
Frame: | |
Signed: | |
Doplňující fotografie:
Description: | The Path of Knowledge, oil painting on hardboard |
Technique: | Oil-painting |
Collection: | |
Year: | 2005
| Size: | 172 x 120 cm |
unsaleable |
Note: | |
Frame: | |
Signed: | |
Description: | oil painting on canvas |
Technique: | Oil-painting |
Collection: | |
Year: | 2011
| Size: | 60 x 80 cm |
unsaleable |
Note: | |
Frame: | |
Signed: | |
Doplňující fotografie:
Description: | oil painting on canvas |
Technique: | Oil-painting |
Collection: | |
Year: | 2011
| Size: | 40 x 40 cm |
unsaleable |
Note: | |
Frame: | |
Signed: | |
Doplňující fotografie:
Description: | oil painting on canvas |
Technique: | Oil-painting |
Collection: | |
Year: | 2010
| Size: | 60 x 80 cm |
unsaleable |
Note: | |
Frame: | |
Signed: | |
Doplňující fotografie:
Description: | oil painting on hardboard |
Technique: | Oil-painting |
Collection: | |
Year: | 2005
| Size: | 90 x 120 cm |
unsaleable |
Note: | |
Frame: | |
Signed: | |
Doplňující fotografie:
Description: | euphoria, oil painting on canvas |
Technique: | Oil-painting |
Collection: | |
Year: | 2005
| Size: | 50 x 99 cm |
unsaleable |
Note: | |
Frame: | |
Signed: | |
Doplňující fotografie:
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Discussion |
vložit příspěvek |
VIDINA (Jindřich Lípa, 21.01.2018 01:56) | | V tomto umělci je velký potenciál | |
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